Load Balancer 502 error's Solution

Client and Load Balancer could get HTTP 502 error.

So, In my opinion, there are two solutions. (You should do a lot of test for this)

1. For Long Transaction,

Load Balancer's Idle Timeout < Target Server's Keepalive Time-out

    -> I think..difference of about 10 seconds is good

2. Other case,

Disable Target Server's Keepalive.

You can check this with TCP dump and Wireshark.

    [Ex - if you use 8001 as service port..]

    -> tcpdump -i ens3 tcp port 8001 -G3600 -w %Y%m%d%H%M%S.pcap

    -> Open above XXX.pcap file with Wireshark

    -> You can see "Connection: close" as bellow..


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