Oracle SOA(EAI) Rest Adapter Access-Control-Allow-Origin

When you use rest api getting data(JSON) from SOA(EAI) or something on web browser like Chrome, you may get error as following as..

Access to ---- at 'URL----' from origin 'null' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource


Security Issue!! .. Thanks Google :P

For this error, you should use property as following as..

rest.binding.http.Access-Control-Allow-Origin : *

For example on SOA BPEL bellow picture..

It could not be difficult using this on other solution's adapter.


you could set this property in server, if you do not care security..

Thanks~~ :)

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우리집 인테리어 공개(광명 이편한세상 25평)

소노벨 비발디파크 맛집 바베큐단월620 "캠핑 감성"